Thursday 30 May 2013

Hidden secrets

Katherine was just another ordinary girl in the second grade. She was small with curly brunette hair which she often had in bunches, parallel on either side of her head. Everyday she’d put on her school uniform which consisted of a green checked dress and green cardigan which had the school logo sewn into the left corner.
Katherine was half way through her school year and her teacher, Miss Hutchings, was lovely. Katherine often helped the teacher and in English she did extra-curricular activities as she excelled in telling stories. Although she didn’t like reading, Katherine would spend the day day-dreaming out the window, drawing and thinking of new ideas to write about.
During the summer before hand, she had written a story about her three cats; Twiglet, Rosie and Bryan, who went on an adventure on a boat and travelled the world with their friends who varied in animal type and age.
Katherine was a popular girl, she knew everyone in her year and everyone knew of her. the teachers often congratulated her on her academic works and grades she was able to achieve for the school Ofsted that year.
But everything wasn’t all bright for Katherine.
It started one hot day in the middle of May. Katherine woke up, got changed for school before her mom made her breakfast and brushed her hair. Katherine prepared her school books in her book-bag and placed her lunchbox next to it. When she left for school that morning, she ran ahead of her mom and picked flowers from a nearby tree and placed them in her hair.
When she arrived at school that morning, she joined the playground with her friends and entered Miss Hutching’s classroom and took her seat. After asking us how the weekend was and what we’d been up to, she paused and looked over to the front door of the classroom where a girl was standing. Immediately Katherine didn’t recognise her. She was thin in size and fairly tall with gingery hair and freckles. Her hair was in a perfect bob which was cut slightly skew at one side – perhaps it was just the way she held herself.
“And this, boys and girls, is Amber, our new student.” Her voice was somewhat sweeter than it had previously been that morning. She continued, “Now you all know how daunting your first day at school was, so I want you to be extra nice to Amber” the class looked at each other, made eye contact and hand gestures to one another and listened to her again. It was that every time a new student joined our school that they had to sit next to one member of the class. When the last new girl joined, Gemma, she sat next to Jordan – much to her distaste as well as his. She moved back after Easter to Germany, taking her poor hygiene with her. Katherine zoned out of the teachers speech before she was suddenly brought back into the room with a mention of her name

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